The Right Fit: Is Global Outsourcing The Best Option For Your Growing Business?

By |2021-10-12T11:59:08-04:00October 12th, 2021|Latest Articles, Uncategorized|

Unfamiliar territory? Are you intimidated by the term "international outsourcing"? Negative connotation gives global outsourcing a poor reputation. We completely understand your fear, as HBI has been around since 2002. Global outsourcing isn't for every business, which is why we want to bring you the highlights of global outsourcing to see if your business is the right fit. Global outsourcing benefits many companies worldwide, bringing them international products from suppliers faster, better quality, and cost-effective. There are many advantages to incorporating the services of a global outsourcing company into your business structure. Allow us to share some insight as to why people are choosing global outsourcing companies!

Working From Home: A Luxury or Necessity?

By |2021-10-12T06:28:32-04:00September 21st, 2021|Latest Articles, Uncategorized|

Before 2020, remote work was historically viewed as a luxury. Many of those who worked from home were perceived as fortunate enough to have the flexibility to be anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, a lot of that changed in 2020, as our world continues to adapt and overcome a global pandemic. Those who could maintain their employment were strongly encouraged to stay home and continue "business as usual," as their companies worked tirelessly to adapt to a strictly virtual workplace. Working from home isn't for everyone; however, with our global pandemic, many companies continue to push their "in-office" dates into 2022. Whether you're new to this workspace or fairly established, "one-size does not fit all." Here are our tips and tricks for maintaining a positive and healthy work-balanced lifestyle...

A Global Imprint: COVID-19 and Its Effects on Our International Supply Chain

By |2021-10-12T06:28:51-04:00September 7th, 2021|Latest Articles, Uncategorized|

Our global pandemic continues to overwhelm many businesses as it forces them to make "here and now" decisions. While taking a proactive approach is recommended, risk management would suggest having several backup plans. Supply chain disruptions are the new normal. Is your business worried about the continuously rising cost of freight? Concerned about supplier and mandated country shutdowns? Are you scanning for containers or frantically looking for shipping capacity? You're not alone, and despite all of these historical disruptions, "the show must go on." Companies that are absorbing this "new normal" transformation are succeeding. So, what exactly are businesses doing to adapt to these supply chain disruptions and travel restrictions? How are companies able to transform themselves during a time of crisis and alleviate these disruptions?

Simple, Yet Durable: Why Companies are Choosing Paper Tube Packaging for their Products

By |2021-10-12T06:29:11-04:00August 24th, 2021|Latest Articles, Uncategorized|

Whether you are using a paper tube as your primary or secondary packaging option, it's clear that around the world, this rigid packaging choice is quickly becoming one of the most popular and trending alternatives to other packaging options. For our 2021 sustainable consumers found worldwide, paper packaging is a strong sigh of relief and a breath of fresh air, as businesses are now looking for more environmentally friendly packaging solutions. With today's advanced technology, paper tube packaging has found its way into becoming aesthetically appealing while promoting sustainability and an earth-friendly option. This leads us to the question: How reliable are paper tubes? What are suppliers doing to ensure these paper tubes are safe for various food products and other types of consumables? While they may not be the most inexpensive packaging option, are paper tubes worth the investment?

It’s All In The Specs: Our Guide To Structuring Your Next RFQ

By |2021-08-10T09:11:04-04:00August 10th, 2021|Uncategorized|

A "Request for Quotation" (RFQ) is a part of the project development process that requires the most attention. Before you get started, there are a few things that you need to have solidified before you start production on your next project. Who is going to produce your product, and how much is it going to cost? While you may have narrowed down your budget and vetted your potential suppliers, it's time to determine how much your project will cost and finalize your supplier. RFQ's are an opportunity to seek out competitive bids from qualified suppliers and award the most competitive option for your project. Which leads us to ask the question: What information should you include in your RFQ? What types of details should be asking your potential suppliers for your company to make the most informed decision?

The Value of Listening: Appreciating The Voice of Your Customer and Your Supplier

By |2021-07-27T09:11:28-04:00July 27th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Listening. A vital skill that is often overlooked. As the foundation of many relationships, the skill of listening poses a significant role in your business, customer, and supplier relationships. Is your company looking to strengthen relationships with your suppliers and/or your customers? Through effective listening, you gain the ability to truly appreciate what is being communicated to you by your customer while simultaneously turning around and implementing those thoughts into your business. While you may not believe that "your customer is always right," being able to understand their expectations and demands while ensuring your business needs are being met provides a unique and valuable relationship.

Instilling a Growth Mindset: How to Ensure Your Supplier Continuously Improves their Performance

By |2021-07-13T06:01:23-04:00July 13th, 2021|Uncategorized|

You did it. You've searched, identified, and selected a high-quality supplier. Your new challenge? How do you continue to get quality results and meet your customer's expectations? In today's world, supply chains are heartless and unforgiving. Failing to provide high-quality products on time is unacceptable and expensive. Maybe you've worked with the same supplier for years and have recently noticed a behavior change? Competitiveness? Perhaps a supplier that once provided quality products is now costing you valuable lead times or quality concerns? How can you identify, select, and trust that the supplier you choose to work with will continue to perform and produce high-quality, competitive products and meet your expectations year after year? 

Factory Audits: Taking preventative actions to evaluate and qualify high-quality suppliers

By |2021-06-29T09:07:06-04:00June 29th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Is your company considering a new supplier? Are you worried that your product isn't being produced at your supplier's highest performance? Do you have concerns about the integrity of your current supplier, or perhaps you're interested in understanding their processes and procedures? These are only a handful of reasons why companies are choosing to conduct routine supplier audits. Audits play a critical role in the success of your company. Whether your supply chain is running smoothly or you're looking to eliminate high-risk concerns, auditing suppliers is an essential process for maintaining relationships with customers, ensuring high-quality products, and protecting your company.

Securing First Impressions: The Significance of Product Packaging

By |2021-06-14T15:51:24-04:00June 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Getting a second chance to make a first impression is rare, and ultimately, whether we're talking about people or products, "do-overs" or "re-dos" seldom exist. A consumer's first interaction with your brand and product are critical moments. How do you ensure that you're communicating everything your customers need in order to make the final decision to buy your product? Essentially these timely decisions come down to one thing - the packaging. Are there secrets to discovering what consumers want? What are the basic building blocks of product packaging? How likely are consumers to use packaging as their final purchasing decision? 

The 2021 Consumer: The Value of Sustainable Packaging

By |2021-06-04T10:05:39-04:00June 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Sustainability: A packaging buzzword that is taking over the world. While sustainable packaging has always been a hot topic to discuss, the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly expedited consumer behaviors and perceptions towards sustainable and eco-friendly packaging options globally. As companies pour money into switching their business models and packaging design to appear more environmentally friendly, are consumers buying it? Is the simple design of a recycled kraft paper tube truly setting companies apart from their competitors? How have consumers' values changed over the past year, or even several years, to ensure your commitment to sustainable packaging is worth the financial investment?

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